The Rogue

Main Stats For Rogue
Finesse: 16
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 14
Charisma: 15
Class Skills
Stealth 5
{How sneaky you are}
Lock Picking 5
{How good you are at lockpicking}
Weaponry: Poisons 5
{How well you can use and make poisons}
Weaponry: Ranged Weaponry 5
{How well you can used ranged weapons}
Weaponry: Melee Weaponry 5
{How well you can use basic melee weapons}
Must Reach Level 10
{Grappling Hooks, smoke bombs, e.t.c}
{How good you are at deceiving others}
{How good you are at investigation people or places}
{Ready to gamble? Now you are}
Must Reach Level 20
{You respond instinctively to certain dangers}
Keen Eye
{ You have incredibly keen eyesight that can notice the faintest of details}
{How acrobatic one is}
Strike: Suprise
{You can a nice suprise attack on your enemy!}
Must Reach Level 30
True Sight
{You are able to see secrets hidden in plain sight. You can even see
entities originating in other realms if you get this high enough}
{You are able to predict things within reason}
Mastery: Guns
{How masterful you are at using guns}
Must Reach Level 40
One With Shadows
{You blend into the shadows easily, almost disappearing}
Magic Gadgets
{Magical Gadgets that you can make if you have the right stuff!!!}
Action: Evasion
{How well you can evade attacks}
Strike: Deadly
{A very lethal strike}
Must Reach Level 50 [Only Pick One]
{You stab peep's. A lot.}
{You know secrets no one else does. You can deceive anyone or anything, and get any piece of information}
Battle Mind:
{You are able to maintain and control the battlefield with ease}
{You are able to trick people with ease on the battlefield, easily getting the upper hand in fights}