The Magician

Main Stats For Magician
Intelligence: 12
Class Skills
{How much spells you can cast in a short amount of time}
{How powerful you spells are}
{How well you are able to combine different kinds of magic}
{The variety of spells you can do from a single category of magic}
Must Reach Level 10
Type: Fire
{Your control over fire magic}
Type: Water
{Your control over water magic}
Type: Earth
{Your control over earth magic}
Type: Air
{Your control over air magic}
Must Reach Level 20
Type: Dark
{Your control over dark magic}
Type: Light
{Your control over light magic}
Type: Illusions
{Your control over illusions}
Type: Charm
{Your control over charms}
Must Reach Level 30
Source: Arcane
{You start digging into the arcane, the purest form of magic}
Source: Runic
{You use runes as a source of magic}
Source: Spiritual
{You often get your magic from the spirit realm.}
Type: Body manipulation
{You use magic to manipulate yourself}
Type: Soul Blade
{You expend some of your own energy and health to make a stronger blade}
Must Reach Level 40 - School
Type: Abjuration
{You specialize in magical spells}
Type: Conjuration
{You specialize in summoning spells}
Type: Divination
{You specialize in divine spells}
Type: Evocation
{You specialize in spells that manipulated energy or tapped an unseen source of power}
Type: Necromancy​: Locked
{You specialize in summoning the undead}
Type: Transmutation
{You speazilize in transmutation spells}
Must Reach Level 50 [Can Only Pick One]
Epic: Alchemist
{You mix the scientific with the arcane to unleash spells otherwise deemed impossible}
Epic: Arcanist
{You are the master of the purest form of magic being able to manipulate it at a whim}
Epic: Astrological
{Your magic comes from the stars and moon, helping you dictate your powers.
Epic: Primordial{
{Ancient magic revolving around the elements}