The Fighter

Main Stats For Fighter
Class Skills
Endurance 5
{How well your character can handle attacks}
Strategy 5
{How well you can strategize in combat}
Weaponry: Shields 5
{How well one can use shields}
Weaponry: Melee 5
{How well they can use basic melee weaponry}
Weaponry: Ranged 5
(How well they can used ranged weaponry}
Must Reach Level 10
Second Wind:
{Your character can regain a great amount of health and stamina once a day}
Mastery: Dual Wielding
{How well you can dual wield weapons}
Mastery: Two Handed
{How well you are able to use two handed weapons}
Mastery: Archery
{How masterful you are at using a bow or crossbow}
Strike: Heavy
{How well you can perform a heavy strike}
Strike: Piercing
{How well you can perform a strike that goes through armor}
Strike: Double
{How well you are able to perform two strikes simultaneously}
Must Reach level 20 - Stances
Stance: Phalanx fighter
{Combination of spear and shield}
Stance: Gladiatorial Tactics
{You use lightweight armor for better speed and agility}
Stance: Whirlwind
{You are able to attack the opponent at a ferocious speed}
Stance: Steel Wall
{It is extremely difficult to strike you, however you move slowly}
Stance: Martial Fighter
{You use martial fighting. That is all}
Must Reach Level 30
{You are able to predict certain things within reason}
Action: Parry
{How well you are able to parry}
Action: Feint
{You fake an attack}
Strike: Wild
{You do a wild strike, being able to do more damage, but leaving yourself vulnerable}
Defender Tactics
{You are an expert on defending certain people or objects with your armor and shield}
Mastery: Guns
{How masterfull you are at using guns}
Must Reach Level 40
Action: Riposte
{A follow up attack}
Action: Evasion
{How well you can evade an attack}
Action: Shatter
{Shatter equipment or even bones}
Mastery: Reign of Arrows
{You shoot a lot of arrows}
Must Reach Level 50 [Only Pick One]
Epic: Berserker
{You have incredible resistance, and the more damage you take
the more damage you dish out}
Epic: Leader
{You are able to lead an army with your charismatic personality}
Epic: One Man Army
{You have immeasurable stamina, and an extreme versatility in weapons and fighting}
Epic: Forge
{The heat of the forge is carried with you, unleashed in every blow}
Epic: Soul Fighter
{You are able to use your power from your own soul, or even remnants of others while fighting}