"Aren't the stars so peculiar, so strange? Little pinpoints of light connect the universe in unfathomable ways. Yet, no one gazes at them once Helios's chariot dips past the horizon. As time goes on however, as I watch the stars pass by every night, you begin to see the patterns of the universe before your own mortal eyes. One night, I saw the ethereal strings cross over the heavens, interconnecting hundreds of stars to our own world. I reached out and grasped it.
- Grand Wizard Endrekor, The Star Gazer.
One can say many things about this District. There is one thing however that no one can deny, however, and that is the fact that the stars truly do feel magical as if the entire district was spellbound by the entire night sky. Some suspect that is a reason why the Grand Wizard Endrekor decided to create the Academy Of Lydel, where some of the most prominent adventurers come from. Legend says, that at a particular hill, you can feel the four winds, and the stars will guide you.